guido mamme incastrate nel fare a ritrovare complicità nella relazione coi figli e il partner
Paola Bortini
Find serenity in life – practice Mindfulness

Find serenity in life – practice Mindfulness

The wish to have a serene life is in all of us.
The capacity to have a serene life is in all of us.
What it takes is to live the present moment.


Mindfulness is the capacity to intentionally direct our attention to the present moment and with a genuine curiosity.

We are often distracted because we are attracted by what is happening around us, and a lot is happening every moment. We live in a world with many sensorial stimulus. It is the duty of our brain to scan and connect with what is happening. The number of daily stimulus is very high and we easily get into a reactive mode.

The practice of mindfulness is a great support to dedicate time and space to focus and rest our mind. This gives us the capacity to move from a reactive to responsive mode, taking adequate distance from what is happening avoiding then to identify ourselves with everything that is happening.

The cultivation of mindfulness practice has enormously support my life, in momento fo difficulty as well as in moment of joy. It has helped, and it is till helping, to navigate life with equanimity and in supporting the decision making process, from the smallest to the big ones.

To the practice of Mindfulness I have added in the last years also the practice of self-compassion.


Self-compassion is the ability to get in touch with one’s emotions and needs and be able to take care of them.

Mindful Self-Compassion is a path designed by Kristin Neff and Cristopher Germer, US researchers, with the aim of discovering and cultivating the ability to be kind and compassionate to oneself.

Being able to treat oneself as kindly and lovingly as one treats one’s nearest and dearest is an absolutely essential skill for one’s own well-being and for being able to care for others.

Self-Compassion is therapeutic but it is not therapy! The programme emphasises the growth of one’s own emotional resources, so that one can deal with difficult emotions, both old and current.

The programme is researched and tested through the experience of thousands of participants and hundreds of scientific researches, ensuring an effective format that can be used by everyone and brings about profound and lasting changes.

Self-Compassion enables stronger and more satisfying interpersonal relationships, increases personal motivation and the ability to be effective and resourceful in personal choices.

The practice of Mindful Self-Compassion is founded on Mindfulness, i.e. the ability to be open and present to the inner world and life events. It is also founded on the experience of sharing and closeness with all human beings and on the practice, intentional and rooted in bodily experience, of actively taking care of one’s emotional, cognitive and psychophysical sphere in general.


The scientific literature on Mindful Self-Compassion is now very solid, thousands of researches all over the world have confirmed the importance of what we all intuitively know: before anything else, it is fundamental to be well and in harmony with oneself.

The scientific literature agrees that Self-Compassion is one of the greatest predictors and promoters of psychological well-being.

Its effects are found in so many aspects of psychophysical well-being that it is now a central quality in almost all modern approaches to health promotion.

The link between Self-Compassion and reduction of anxiety and depression, increased ability to cope with stress and difficult emotions, and the ability to initiate and consolidate healthy habits, such as taking up exercise and eating a healthier diet, is now proven.

For some of the many scientific references, you can download the full articles in English from the MSC Centre.

Mindfulness and self-compassion practices are embedded in my work. As courses specifically offering mindfulness and self-compassion, as background approach in my courses on self-development, as resource in my work as Essential Emotions Coach based on the powerful healing of the essential oils.